Emergency Dentist Glasgow | Technology Used in Dentistry Today

Technology has developed quickly over the years and has transformed almost every aspect of our lives. The dentist’s office is not as scary as it once was thanks to these advancements. Here are some of the tools that are used in dentistry today and when you should visit an emergency dentist Glasgow.
Types of Technology Used in Dentistry Today
Operating Microscopes and Imaging
Nowadays, many practices have surgical operating microscopes. This device uses a mix of magnification and fibre optics illumination to make surgical based procedures easier and more precise. This device also helps ensure the consistency and quality of endodontic treatment.
An emergency dentist Glasgow may use this type of device to X-ray teeth after an accident to determine the extent of the damage.
Digital Radiography
Digital radiography is an X-ray imaging tool. Digital X-ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film. This allows the dentists to get instant onscreen images of the patient’s mouth and gums. There are many advantages to this technology including;
- Time efficiency (images are instant, no need to wait for the film to develop)
- Images can be digitally transferred and enhanced
- Less radiation is used to produce the image, compared to a traditional radiograph
Ultrasonics can be used when a patient requires root canal treatment, with the use of this technology the root canal can be disinfected and cleaned effectively and efficiently.
Apex Locators
An electronic apex locator is also used during a root canal procedure. This is used to find out the position of the apical foramen (the opening at the end of the tooth’s root). This detects the length of the root canal space, with an accuracy of 90-95%.
What is Considered a Dental Emergency?
It is considered a dental emergency if;
- Your tooth has been knocked out
- Your tooth is loose or out of place
- A chipped tooth that is causing you a lot of pain
- A cracked or fractured tooth
- Tissue injury inside mouth (puncture wounds, lacerations and tears to lips cheeks, mouth and tongue)
- Severe infection or abscess in mouth
- Bleeding from the mouth
- Severe pain in mouth or face
- Severe swelling in the mouth or facial area
- Bulges, swelling or knots on your gums
Basically, any dental problem that requires immediate attention in order to save the tooth, stop severe ongoing bleeding and severe pain, is considered a dental emergency.
What is Not Considered a Dental Emergency
- A chipped tooth that is not causing you any pain
- A crown or filling that has fallen out
Where to Find an Emergency Dentist Glasgow
If you think that you require a visit to an emergency dentist Glasgow, then contact:
The Berkeley Clinic,
5 Newton Terrace,
G3 7PJ
Phone: 0141 564 1900